Donation and Sponsorship Program
Austin Moonflower Performing Arts Group welcomes and appreciates support from our community. We accepts the funds, donation, and sponsorship from governments, companies, organizations, and individuals.
Austin Moonflower Performing Arts Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are deductible under the IRS nonprofit tax exempt rules.
The full text of our Donation and Sponsorship Program (DSP), including annual donation and event sponsorship levels and benefits, are available in the PDF file:

Click the "Donate" button to make your donation via PayPal using your credit card or PayPal account. Please indicate in the note area of the donation form whether it is an annual donation or a sponsorship for a specific event.
Please contact us if you have any question regarding our Donation and Sponsorship Program.
Thanks to our Donors
Friends at AT&T, Dell EMC, IBM, and New York Life